The “Context” menu also lets you edit multiple breakpoints in a single line. They’ll be shown within the editing window. Another option is to access the “Context” menu while you’re in a debugging session. To set inline breakpoints, you can use the “Shift + F9” key combination. Here are a few more notable breakpoints commands: The latter may also apply if you’re editing the source while your debug sessions without live-editing support are in progress. Disabled breakpoints are represented by a filled gray circle, whereas a gray hollow circle signals breakpoint that can’t be registered. When it comes to the color, breakpoints are typically colored red if you’re working in your editor margin. The data you can view includes call stacks and variable values. Once the debugger pauses at your breakpoints, you can inspect the current condition of your app. Select the following command: “ Highlight entire source line for current statement and breakpoint.”.Choose “Options,” followed by “Debugging.”.If you’re working in C++, you can activate highlighting as follows: The breakpoint will appear as a red dot inside your left margin.īy default, current execution code lines and breakpoints are automatically highlighted for most programming languages, including C#. Your code will now pause before the marked execution.Click the left margin or strike the F9 key next to the line you wish to stop.